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Hi, I am Francesco and I am an HCI & UX Researcher at LMU Munich, Human Centered Ubiquitous Media Group. I combine my expertise in Cognitive Science and HCI to design, build, and evaluate new user experiences and MR applications.


Hi, I am Francesco and I am an HCI & UX Researcher at LMU Munich, Human Centered Ubiquitous Media Group. I combine my expertise in Cognitive Science and HCI to design, build, and evaluate new user experiences and MR applications.

Francesco Chiossi at work

Bio & CV


Hi, I am Francesco and I am an Senior UX Researcher at LMU Munich, Human Centered Ubiquitous Media Group. I combine my expertise in Cognitive Science and HCI to design, build, and evaluate new user experiences and MR applications.



Media informatics group logo


PhD in Computer Science

2019 - 2023 | Munich, DE

HCUM Group
PhD topic : Adaptive Interfaces
Mixed Reality

University of Padua Logo


MsC in Applied Cognitive Psychology | 110/110

2015 - 2017 | Padua, IT

Focus: Physiological Computing, Neurotechnology, Quality-of-Experience evaluation by physiological measures

King's college logo


Bsc in Neuroscience | Exchange program 

2015 | London, UK

Focus: HCI, Cognitive Ergonomics,
Artificial Intelligence, Executive Functions

University of Padua Logo


Bsc in Cognitive

and Biological Psychology | 105/110

2012 - 2015 | Padua, IT

Focus: HCI, Cognitive Ergonomics,
Artificial Intelligence, Executive Functions



Oct 2019 - present | Advisors : Albrecht Schmidt & Sven Mayer

• Developing novel input signals and interaction paradigms for AR/VR adaptive
interfaces using physiological data (EDA, ECG, EEG), visual and haptic interfaces,
automotive UIs
• Defining research hypothesis, leading experimental design and user studies,
implementing users state detection algorithms
• Leading research projects in teams of 3 to 14 researchers. Hired and developed a
team of 7+ professionals. Managed over €100k in research funding.
• Teaching Msc & BsC classes, e.g., Physiological Computing, Engineering for
Human Factors, UserInterface Design. Prepared course materials and provided
written feedback for 400+ students with high ratings.
• Organization and Social Media coverage of lab events, international conferences
and workshops (e.g., Open Lab Day, Internal Doctoral Colloquium)

RESEARCH FELLOW Padua Neuroscience Center

2018 - 2019 | Advisors : Giorgio Arcara & Patrizia Bisiacchi


• Design of experiments on psychophysiology of cognitive capacity and prospective
memory, decision making in endurance athletes
• Analysis of physiological, behavioral and qualitative data
• Design and maintenance of open data research platform
• Teaching Msc & BsC classes, e.g., “Cognitive Electrophysiology” (30+ students).

RESEARCH FELLOW TU Berlin | Neurotechnology Group

2017 | Advisor : Benjamin Blankertz


• Design and implementation of EEG experiment for evaluating information
seeking interfaces

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