Hi, I am Francesco and I am an HCI & UX Researcher at LMU Munich, Human Centered Ubiquitous Media Group. I combine my expertise in Cognitive Science and HCI to design, build, and evaluate new user experiences and MR applications.
Hi, I am Francesco and I am an HCI & UX Researcher at LMU Munich, Human Centered Ubiquitous Media Group. I combine my expertise in Cognitive Science and HCI to design, build, and evaluate new user experiences and MR applications.

My research focus lies at the intersection of interactive systems, Mixed Reality and information processing. A list of the latest peer-reviewed publications is also available on my Google scholar profile. My ORCID is 0000-0003-2987-7634.
Publications | 2024
Publications | 2023
Francesco Chiossi, Changkun Ou, Sven Mayer
Exploring Physiological Correlates of Visual Complexity Adaptation: Insights from EDA, ECG, and EEG Data for Adaptation Evaluation in VR Adaptive Systems
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Sven Mayer
How Can Mixed Reality Benefit From Physiologically-Adaptive Systems? Challenges and Opportunities for Human Factors Applications
Abstract | Links:
Yagiz Turgut, Robin Welsch, Sven Mayer, Francesco Chiossi
Adapting Visual Complexity Based on Electrodermal Activity Improves Working Memory Performance in Virtual Reality
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Luke Haliburton, Changkun Ou, Andreas Butz, Albrecht Schmidt
Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions:Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory
Francesco Chiossi, Thomas Kosch, Luca Menghini, Steeven Villa, Sven Mayer
SensCon: Embedding Physiological Sensing into VirtualReality Controllers
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Changkun Ou, Sven Mayer
Exploring Physiological Correlates of Visual Complexity Adaptation: Insights from EDA, ECG, and EEG Data for Adaptation Evaluation in VR Adaptive Systems
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Sven Mayer
How Can Mixed Reality Benefit From Physiologically-Adaptive Systems? Challenges and Opportunities for Human Factors Applications
Abstract | Links:
Yagiz Turgut, Robin Welsch, Sven Mayer, Francesco Chiossi
Adapting Visual Complexity Based on Electrodermal Activity Improves Working Memory Performance in Virtual Reality
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Luke Haliburton, Changkun Ou, Andreas Butz, Albrecht Schmidt
Short-Form Videos Degrade Our Capacity to Retain Intentions:Effect of Context Switching On Prospective Memory
Francesco Chiossi, Thomas Kosch, Luca Menghini, Steeven Villa, Sven Mayer
SensCon: Embedding Physiological Sensing into VirtualReality Controllers
Abstract | Links:
Publications | 2022
Ann Huang, Pascal Knierim, Francesco Chiossi, Lewis L. Chuang.
Proxemics for Human-Agent Interaction in Augmented Reality
Abstract | Links:
Fabio Sarto, Martina Pizzichemi, Francesco Chiossi, Patrizia S. Bisiacchi, Martino V Franchi, Marco V Narici, Elena Monti, Antonio Paoli and Giuseppe Marcolin.
Physical active lifestyle promotes static and dynamic balance performance in young and older adults
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Johannes Zagermann, Jakob Karolus, Nils Rodirgues, Priscilla Balestrucci, Daniel Weiskopf, Benedikt Ehinger, Tiare Feuchtner, Harald Reiterer, Lewis L. Chuang, March Ernst, Andreas Bulling, Sven Mayer and Albrecht Schmidt
Adapting visualizations and interfaces to the user
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Steven Villa, Melanie Hauser, Robin Welsch
Design of On-body Tactile Displays to Enhance Situation Awareness in Automated Vehicles
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Robin Welsch, Steeven Villa, Lewis L. Chuang
Designing a Physiological Loop for the Adaptation of Virtual Human Characters in a Social VR Scenario
Abstract | Links:
Dennis Dietz, Carl Oechsner, Changkun Ou, Francesco Chiossi, Fabio Sarto, Sven Mayer, Andreas Butz.
Walk This Beam: Impact of Different Balance Assistance Strategies and Height Exposure on Performance and Physiological Arousal in VR
Abstract | Links:
Francesco Chiossi, Robin Wlsch, Steeven Villa, Lewis Chuang, Sven Mayer.
Virtual Reality Adaptation Using Electrodermal Activity to Support the User Experience
Abstract | Links:
Publications | 2020
Lewis L. Chuang, Francesco Chiossi
Notification in Automation: Haptic Feedback for Supporting Safety in Automated Driving
Abstract | Links:
Giorgia Cona, Sivlia di Tommasso, Giovanni Pellegrino, Francesco Piccione, Patrizia Bisiacchi, Giorgio Arcara
Theta and alpha oscillations as signatures of internal and external attention to delayed intentions: A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study
Abstract | Links:
Fabio Sarto, Giorgia Cona, Francesco Chiossi, Antonio Paoli, Patrizia Bisiacchi, Elisabetta Patron and Giuseppe Marcolin
Dual-tasking effects on static anddynamic postural balance performance:a comparison between endurance andteam sport athletes
User Experience Design (WS 2022-2023)
Advanced Topics in HCI (WS 2019/20)
Learning in Computer Science (WS 2022 - 2023) Assistant
Advanced Seminar Media Informatics (WS 2021/22) Lecturer
Physiological Computing and Neuroergonomics (SS 2020) - Assistant
Proseminar Media Informatics (SS 2021-22WS 2022/23, SS 2023) Lecturer
Engineering for Human Factors ( WS 2019-2020, SS 2021) - Assistant​
Thesis Advisor
As part of my work at LMU, I guide and mentor internships and thesis projects at both bachelor's and master's levels.
2023, Sandra Wackerl, MSc. Design of Adaptive Visualizations for supporting engagement using ECG in Bicycle training.
2023, Lara Moric. Augmented Reality on the Go: Exploring Cognitive-Motor Interferences and their Physiological Correlates
2023, Tobias Theus, MSc. User-customized brain computer interfaces using Bayesian optimization for Internal-External Attention Engagement
2023, Yassmina El Khaoudi. BSc. Physiological correlates of MR transitions while typing
2023, Ines Trauttmansheimer, MSc. Evaluating the Interference between Physical and Virtual information in Mixed Reality : an EEG Study
2023, Eric Mading. BSc. Designing for MR Engagement: Design of an Adaptive System for MR Productivity
2023, Xingyu Long. Investigating the EEG Correlates of Internal and External Attention in Virtual Reality: A Comparative Examination of Visual Monitoring and Working Memory